Max Richter 'In A Landscape' New York album listening premiere in the dark @ Public Records, Brooklyn - Tues 3 Sept - ticket giveaway registration page
Sign up below for your chance to claim a free ticket for our album listening premieres in the dark in Public Records' incredible listening room on Tuesday 3 September at 7:15 and 8:45PM. The free ticket link will be sent out at 11AM ET on Sunday 1 September and will be available on a one-per-person basis.
Max Richter’s ninth solo album – the first to be written and recorded at his serene new studio in rural Oxfordshire – is a fleeting self-portrait of a musician in constant motion. In A Landscape is a record about “reconciling polarities”, as Richter puts it, bringing together the electronic and the acoustic, the human and the natural world, the big questions of life and the quiet pleasures of living.
'In A Landscape' is his first solo album recorded at Studio Richter Mahr, the minimalist, eco-conscious creative retreat designed and operated by Richter and his wife, visual artist Yulia Mahr. “The whole building is like an instrument,” he says. “There's an element of exploring the capabilities of the building, how all the spaces sound, all the textures, and trying to dicover the fingerprint it has.”
The creative process was deliberately minimal, with Richter writing notation by hand and restricting his palette to just a few colours: string quintet, grand piano, Hammond organ and MiniMoog, plus tape delays, vocoders and reverbs. “I’m always looking for ways to get to the essence of things, to get to the simplest version of everything.”